Aye Tea Elle Elevated Tapas

3749 College St, College Park, GA 30337, USA
Open Hours: 11:00 AM - 2:05 PM
Ready by 11:50 AM
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11:00 am - 2:05 pm

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Aye Tea Elle offers food dishes with seafood and shellfish. We cannot guarantee that any item is safe to consume for patrons with any seafood or shellfish allergies. Raw and or undercooked food may be hazardous to your health.


Aye Tea Elle offers food dishes with seafood and shellfish. We cannot guarantee that any item is safe to consume for patrons with any seafood or shellfish allergies. Raw and or undercooked food may be hazardous to your health.


Aye Tea Elle offers food dishes with seafood and shellfish. We cannot guarantee that any item is safe to consume for patrons with any seafood or shellfish allergies. Raw and or undercooked food may be hazardous to your health.



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Aye Tea Elle Elevated Tapas (College St)
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