Marine Florists

Marine Florists, 1995 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234, USA
Open Hours: 8:20 AM - 6:25 PM
31 - 41 min
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8:20 am - 6:25 pm

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Daily Deals

Our special sale flowers and gifts are fresh and fabulous, fresh, beautiful flowers and gifts they'll never forget at sale prices you'll love. Your wallet will consider them cheap flowers, but the recipient will never know that you saved a bundle on these gorgeous, stylish gifts without sacrificing any of the quality you've come to expect from Marine Florists.

Every Day Specials

Order your Marine Florists bouquets delivered right to your door!


Pick your favorite combination of colors for your bouquet! **Flowers shown in picture may differ from final product**

Sympathy Flowers

Give them your condolences with one of our special sympathy bouquets.


There is nothing more romantic than red roses and at Marine Florists in Brooklyn, NY, we have all types of romantic bouquets to choose from. Roses aren't just for Valentine's Day, select roses in white, pink or yellow to make someone smile!

Holiday Specials

Special bouquets for that important time of year!


Pink carnations signify a mother's love, red is for admiration and white for good luck. You can choose the right carnation for any occasion, and have it delivered the same day!


Looking for a floral arrangement that will light up the room? Thanks to their multi-colored blooms, lilies are the perfect flower variety for any occasion.

Rose Petals

Add a stunning touch to your special event with fresh rose petals!


Plants from Marine Florists make a long lasting and affordable gift for any occasion. We have a wide selection of all types of plants including house, tropical and indoor plants.

Fruit, Food & Goody Baskets

Marine Florists offers a wonderful selection of Gourmet Fruit, Food & Gift Baskets. Our gift baskets are filled with the finest gourmet treats including; chocolates, truffles, crackers, apples, oranges, grapefruit and other delicious products. This is a thoughtful corporate, get well or thank you gift.

Fresh Greenery


Greeting Cards

Write message in special instructions


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