Silver Spur Texas Smokehouse BBQ

13275 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove, WI 53122, USA
Open Hours: 11:00 AM - 8:40 PM
Ready by 11:40 AM
schedule at checkout

Most Liked Items From The Menu

Full Menu
11:00 am - 8:40 pm

Most Ordered

Most Ordered

The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store


True story*. The term “knuckle sandwich” was coined here in 1824 when a cowboy took a bite of one of our sandwiches, and yelled, “put a saddle on me and call me buttercup! it’s like a flavor punch!”


They all start with a half-pound of expertly seasoned certified angus. Then the options roll in. And for both of these reasons — you’re very, very welcome.

Featured Items


Apps are like a warm-up. You don’t run without stretching first, right? of course not. So order a few. It’s the responsible thing to do.

Soups & Salads

You’re a rebel, huh? considering soup and or salad at a BBQ joint. It’s bold. It’s unconventional. We like it.


Listen, it’s all good. But this stuff is like, gooood. And here, gooood means great. Get it?.


Mix ‘em, match ‘em, eat ‘em.

Friday fish fry specials

Friday only

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